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Prolific Writers and Grand Ideas: Kelley L. Ross is a prolific writer, especially in the fields of psychology and history. His analysis of American Presidents is particularly interesting and a focal point of many a discussion. Odds are I might write some responses to his analyses in the near future. Piero Scaruffi is another writer, and a polymath with a staggering array of knowledge. His writings on films and music alone are vast and insightful, not to mention that a lot of his work is still not translated to english. From tech to politics to the arts, he has something published on the matter. Jamie Zawinski is a software developer and notable screensaver creator. He runs an active blog and posts various cool software and real-life projects on it. The list of software is vast, interesting, and crucially, public. A must visit if you're a fan of Netscape and Mozilla Firefox. Blogs and Websites of Interesting People: -- People in my "web-ring" -- CastleBravo is an internet acquaintance and a man with many interests. I'm excited to see how his website and the content on it develops :-). His internet travel directory is a nice websurfing port.