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Hello all, my name is Daniel and I warmly welcome you to my site. As you can see by the ASCII
art and generally minimal nature of this page, this is both a window into the "old net" and
a place for me to post various cool projects.
Above you should see several bracketed hyperlinks - this is the homepage, and from here you can
venture forth into my projects, musings, or find out more about me.
I sincerely hope you enjoy!
Navigating the Musings Tab:
-Musings: Just my general thoughts about life and non-academic topics that interest me.
-What I Learned: Academic topics that I've learned outside the classroom and wanted to share.
-Resources: A travel hub of sorts that has the webpages of people who have interesting things to
-Layman's List: Initially intended to be a very barebones explanation of various STEM topics.
However, I've decided to post ALL my academic notes there, so that they're all in one place and
easily accessible to anyone who visits. If you're a science, engineering, or math major and have
detailed notes on interesting classes, and you're interested in publishing these notes, reach out
to me. I will try and transcribe them to here when I have the time. If you have notes on physics
mechanics and electricity + magnetism, those would be especially appreciated.
This page has a bunch of hits, I'd tell you how many but PHP/mySQL is hard. Date of last update
below. If this text is visible, the test is successful.